Source: Norwegian Refugee Council, Shelter Cluster
Country: occupied Palestinian territory
West Bank/East Jerusalem
Demolition response
Demolished structures: 209 (Jan-end April 2019)
of which 86 (41%) are residential, which is 138% more comparing to the same period of 2018. displaced 301 individuals, including 135 children
Donor-funded structures: 25 of which 5 is residential
54 households have received a shelter response in 2019; 7 are ongoing.
Demolition or confiscations of all structures have affected 25,764 people during 2019.
Upgrading and Rehabilitation of substandard shelters (Needs):
3,770 shelters in Area C 350 shelters in East Jerusalem require rehabilitation or consolidation to ensure adequate protection and reduce risk of displacement
- IDP response Over 2,200 families (about 12,200 individuals) remain internally displaced (IDP) since the 2014,Nov 2018 and March 2019 conflict. An urgent gap in assistance exists for around 1,300 IDP families requiring cash support.