West Bank/East Jerusalem
During the first three months of 2016…
59 communities have been impacted by demolition, affecting 1,819 people.
In 8 major incidents, most or all of the structures in the community were destroyed.
The number of residential structures demolished is equivalent to 95% of the total number of residential structures demolished in 2015.
The 140 donor-funded structures demolished represents 130% of donor-funded structures demolished in the whole of 2015.
38% of structures demolished in 2016 were previously affected by demolition.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to provide humanitarian aid due to obstruction, confiscation or seizure of post-demolition assistance.
2,000 families received NFIs as part of winterization interventions targeting caravans and temporary displacement sites from 3 organizations.
IDP response
Over 14,800 families remain displaced as a result of the 2014 conflict.
1,070 families will receive cash for rent for at least 6 months in 2016 – however there is an urgent gap in assistance for over 12,507 families in need due to lack of funding, leaving over 6,500 families renting temporary accommodation at risk of eviction.
The IDP re-registration survey revealed that 92% of IDPs felt they needed more information on overall Gaza reconstruction, while 32% required more information on possible return.
GRM update
Since September 2014, 1.175m tonnes have entered Gaza through the GRM. No additional participants were added to the Shelter or Residential Stream in March, however the Finishing Stream was reportedly reopened to new applications. 46% of allocated rebar and 50% of allocated cement in the Residential Stream has been procured. Procurement of materials though the Shelter Stream remains at 64% of allocated rebar and 91% of allocated cement.
Progress in rehabilitation and reconstruction of severely damaged and totally destroyed houses
This graph highlights coverage and gaps in durable solutions provided to families whose house has been severely damaged or totally destroyed and the related decline in IDPs.