Since the beginning of the year 2,409,035 individuals have been supported with a total of 8,081,157 NFIs [16 Items per family in average].
The Sector is mapping and updating the NFI contingency stock/pipeline on monthly basis.
The sector is collecting and compiling the NFI Sector Winterization Plan.
The sector is finalizing the NFI SRP 2015 Mid-Year review at Damascus hub level.
The shelter response has reached so far this year 77,890 beneficiaries using various shelter solutions, mainly through upgrading public and private collective shelters for 29,925 IDPs and distributing shelter kits and materials for 35,108 individuals, in addition to supporting the management and maintenance of shelters which accommodate 12,797 Palestinian refugees.
Beside the classical shelter interventions, the Sector is launching new types of shelter assistance, stressing community empowerment and utilizing its capacity. The Sector is promoting pilot projects for owner-/tenant based assistance through cash for work programmes and support for access to essential building material. Furthermore, the Sector supports governorates’ technical departments for Operation and Maintenance programmes in public collective shelters to be carried out through dedicated units in collaboration with IDP communities.
New shelter projects are initiated in empty public or industrial complexes, as comprehensive intervention, combining components of several sectors into one comprehensive response, benefiting high numbers of people through different services.
In summary, protraction and complexity of the crisis in the country require further efforts to develop emergency response into more sustainable resilience oriented response. The Sector therefore increasingly promotes support to IDPs’ self-help based initiative